SDG 10.6.1
Non-discriminatory admissions policy
The University has a clear and comprehensive policy on non-discriminatory admissions titled “Equality and Diversity Policy”. The policy statement outlines the university’s commitment to creating an environment where differences are respected, and equality of opportunity is available to all staff, students, and stakeholders. The policy defines certain actions that are not permissible and may be considered unlawful, such as direct, associative, perceptive, and indirect discrimination. The university is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and fairness and eliminating discrimination for all staff, students, and anyone associated with the university, regardless of their age, disability, marital status, family circumstances, race, religion or belief, and gender. The policy also identifies protected characteristics, including rights that all individuals possess and should be safeguarded irrespective of their position within the university.
The university takes responsibility for fulfilling its legal obligations for promoting equality and eliminating discrimination. The President has the overall leadership for running the university and ensuring that the commitments within the policy are fulfilled. HRD is responsible for implementing the policy with respect to staff. The Director of Student Affairs is responsible for implementing the policy with respect to students. If a member of staff or student feels that they have been discriminated against, the complaint should be raised in accordance with the appropriate university grievance procedure, the university’s Code of Practice on Complaints, Appeals, and Discipline.