SDG 16.2.1
Elected Representation
ASU Organizational Chart
University Governance Measures
The University recognizes the importance of democratic processes and ensuring representation from various stakeholders within its governance structure. To promote transparency and inclusivity, the University has established elected representation on its governing body, as well as on other key decision-making bodies, these bodies are:
- Board of Directors.
- Board of Trustees.
- University Council.
- College Council.
- Department Council.
- Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors holds the highest authority within the University, comprising a minimum of five members representing the University’s shareholders. This esteemed body assumes several crucial responsibilities, ensuring effective governance and strategic decision-making. The key responsibilities of the Board include:
- Investment and Main Financial Decisions: The Board plays a pivotal role in making important investment decisions and overseeing major financial matters related to the University. This involves evaluating investment opportunities, assessing financial risks, and making informed choices to safeguard the University’s financial stability.
- Approval of the Annual Budget: The Board reviews and approves the annual budget proposed by the President, taking into account the University’s strategic objectives and operational needs. This collaborative process ensures financial resources are allocated efficiently and align with the University’s mission.
- Approval of Financial Regulations: The Board holds the authority to approve regulations pertaining to financial aspects, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks. These regulations may encompass areas such as financial reporting, procurement, and fiscal policies, providing a framework for financial transparency and accountability.
- Approval of Annual Financial Report: The Board reviews and approves the University’s annual financial report, which provides a comprehensive overview of the University’s financial performance, assets, and liabilities. This process ensures accurate and transparent reporting to stakeholders, including shareholders, faculty, staff, and students.
- Approval of Financial Aspects in Development Projects: The Board exercises oversight over financial aspects related to the University’s development projects. This includes evaluating project proposals, assessing financial feasibility, and approving budgets to support the successful implementation of strategic initiatives and infrastructure enhancements.
- Identification and Approval of Board Privileges: The Board is responsible for identifying and approving privileges granted to the members of the Board of Trustees. This may include compensation, benefits, or other entitlements that align with the University’s governance policies and best practices.
- By diligently fulfilling these responsibilities, the Board of Directors contributes to the effective financial management, sustainability, and overall success of the University. Their decisions and oversight play a crucial role in shaping the University’s future and ensuring its continued growth and development.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees plays a crucial role in fostering an environment that promotes teaching and learning, scientific research, innovation, and community engagement within the University. The Board assumes several responsibilities, tasks, and duties, including:
- Safeguarding the University’s Reputation and Values: The Board ensures the preservation of the University’s reputation and upholds its core values in all decision-making processes.
- Supervising University Activities and Defining its Mission and Future Directions: The Board oversees the University’s activities, defines its mission, and provides strategic contributions regarding policies and matters that impact the University’s advancement.
- Approving and Reviewing Strategic and Operational Plans: The Board approves and reviews the University’s strategic and operational plans, including those related to the development, merger, or closure of colleges, directorates, departments, academic programs, centers, offices, and units.
- Approving Budgets and Financial Statements: The Board approves the University’s budget and financial statements and submits recommendations to the Board of Directors. This ensures financial transparency and accountability.
- Monitoring and Assessing University Performance: The Board ensures the development of policies and procedures to monitor and assess the University’s performance based on approved plans and performance indicators, comparing them with data from similar institutions.
- Appointing New Board Members: The Board appoints new members to the Board of Trustees, considering their qualifications and expertise.
- Developing Procedures for Assessing Board Achievements: The Board establishes procedures to monitor and assess its own achievements and effectiveness.
- Appointing the President and Defining Responsibilities: The Board appoints the President and establishes arrangements for the implementation of their tasks. The Chairman of the Board identifies the benefits and prerogatives received.
- Granting Authority to the President: The Board authorizes the President to manage academic and financial matters, employee-related matters, policies, procedures, and decisions within administrative tasks. This includes the exemption of employees from their duties and responsibilities.
- Approving Appointments of Vice Presidents and Deans: The Board approves the appointment of Vice Presidents, Deans, and their subordinates within the University.
- Supervising Campus Infrastructure Development: The Board supervises the development of the University’s campus infrastructure and reviews relevant major bids and proposals related to colleges, departments, or academic issues, ensuring compliance with applicable bylaws.
- Establishing Control and Accountability Systems: The Board ensures the establishment and monitoring of control and accountability systems, including financial and operational systems, risk assessment procedures, grievance handling, conflict of interest management, and compliance with legal obligations.
- Serving as a Legal Authority: The Board acts as a legal authority for the University, developing systems to meet legal obligations resulting from contracts, financial obligations, and other legal matters associated with the University.
- Ensuring Convenience for Students and Staff: The Board coordinates with the University Council to make provisions convenient for students and staff, aligning with their needs and concerns.
- Serving as Trustees for Properties, Gifts, and Endowments: The Board acts as trustees for any properties, gifts, or endowments provided to support the activities and prosperity of the University.
- Ensuring Compliance with Laws and Regulations: The Board ensures the University’s compliance with all legislation and laws pertaining to its activities within the Kingdom of Bahrain, particularly the bylaws issued by the Higher Education Council. It establishes guidelines for the application of such bylaws.
- Approving University Bylaws, Policies, and Regulations: The Board approves the University bylaws, policies, regulations, and any proposed changes presented by the University Council.
To fulfill its duties effectively, the Board of Trustees adheres to best practice directives in the governance of higher education institutions. The Board of Trustees consists of a minimum of seven members and a maximum of fifteen members per cycle. Specific conditions are considered when selecting members, including having at least one member with financial expertise and ensuring that academics comprise at least 50% of the Board. Membership duration is four years and may be renewed. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is a member of the Board of Directors. The University President is a permanent member of the Board of Trustees but does not participate in sessions and discussions directly related to the Board’s responsibilities concerning the appointment or performance monitoring of the President unless specifically invited. The Board of Trustees selects its members through a nomination process led by the Chairman, ensuring no conflicts of interest and that candidates meet the required conditions for Board membership. New members are provided with an orientation on their duties before attending official Board meetings. The Board periodically reviews its performance and takes necessary steps to support its effectiveness. Additionally, the Board of Trustees selects a Vice Chairman from its members who is not an owner or shareholder of the University.
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council
The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council is responsible for submitting recommendations regarding policy changes based on circumstances. In the execution of its duties, the Council will:
Audit and review the quality of programs on behalf of the University Council.
Provide recommendations to the University Council regarding reviews conducted by the National Authority for Qualifications and Quality Assurance of Education and Training, resolutions and bylaws of the Higher Education Council, and matters related to the national qualifications framework (NQF).
Monitor the outcomes and work plans resulting from visits by professional, legislative, and regulatory authorities.
Submit proposals to the University Council concerning reviews related to the University’s instructions and quality assurance methods, including joint regulations.
Review and promote the strategic plan for quality assurance and accreditation as submitted by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council.
Monitor the primary activities of quality assurance and accreditation, including periodic institutional and program reviews.
Evaluate the accomplishments of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre and the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Units within the Colleges, and provide recommendations for necessary improvements.
Approve the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Manual as submitted by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre.
Membership of the Council for a one-year term is as follows:
President (Chairman of the Council).
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Development (Vice Chairman of the Council).
Vice President for Administration, Finance, and Community Engagement.
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.
Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre (Council Secretary).
Director of Administration and Finance.
Director of Student Affairs.
Director of Admissions and Registration.
Head of the Governance and Strategic Planning Unit.
Heads of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Units in each College.
Manager of the Career Development and Alumni Affairs Office.
Head of the Academic Staff Development Unit.
Secretary General of University Councils.
An external member appointed by the University President when needed (non-voting member).
The Chairman of the Council may invite additional individuals to attend meetings as necessary.
The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council convenes at specified times agreed upon during the first meeting and must meet at least once every three months or as required. Meetings of the Council are held with the presence of the majority of members, including the Chairman. Decisions and recommendations are made by a majority vote, with the Chairman having the casting vote in the event of a tie. Recommendations and resolutions of the Council are presented by the Chairman to the University Council.
University Council
The University Council possesses both the authority and the responsibility to provide recommendations regarding changes in university policies based on relevant circumstances. Its main responsibilities include:
- Addressing matters related to the quality of teaching, learning, research, and community service, including:
- Establishing admissions requirements for students.
- Discussing and approving the number of students to be admitted to various programs and determining the fees for each program.
- Developing policies and procedures for assessing students’ achievements and conducting relevant examinations.
- Reviewing and approving curriculum content.
- Setting academic standards and reviewing courses.
- Granting academic qualifications.
- Awarding honorary titles.
- Addressing the dismissal of students for academic reasons.
- Making decisions concerning academic promotions and other human resources issues.
- Approving the participation of academic staff, lecturers, technicians, and researchers in scientific assignments and training programs.
- Reviewing and discussing relevant matters before making decisions on academic programs proposed by appropriate college committees.
- Providing recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the development, integration, or cancellation of colleges, departments, academic programs, centers, offices, and units.
- Evaluating the progress of academic and educational achievements within the University.
- Discussing and consolidating study plans and research activities at the University.
- Considering academic and other issues as proposed by the University President.
- Developing and consolidating strategic plans, including teaching, learning, scientific research, community service, and training strategies.
- Reviewing the university bylaws, policies, and regulations, and providing recommendations for approval to the Board of Trustees.
The following members for a one-year term make up the university council:
- President (Chairman of the Council).
- Vice Presidents.
- Deans (academic and non-academic).
- An academic staff representative elected by the academic staff members. The representative can serve for a maximum of two academic years.
- President of the Student Council.
- An external member appointed by the President of the University for a renewable two-year period, as needed.
- President’s Advisors (if any).
- Secretary General of University Councils.
The following rules apply to University Council meetings:
- The external member, the President of the Student Council, the President’s Advisors, and the Secretary General of University Councils do not have voting rights.
- The Chair has the authority to invite additional individuals to attend Council meetings for informational purposes only.
- The Council convenes when the majority of its members, including the Chairman or their representative, are present. Decisions are made by majority vote, with the Chairman having the casting vote in case of a tie.
Council meetings are scheduled at agreed-upon times during the first meeting. These meetings should occur at least once every two months, and the meeting minutes are submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
Student Council
Terms For Nomination
To be nominated:
- The student must be registered in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme, and must be a regular at the college that he/she will be running for.
- The student must not have had any disciplinary action against him/her at the university.
- The student must have completed at least one semester at the university, as a minimum requirement.
- A Bachelor student must not have passed 99 credit hours at the university
Student Council Election
The 13th round of the student council elections resulted in the victory of 15 students out of 21, from the four colleges of the University (Administrative Sciences, Law, Arts and Science and Engineering).
The primary purpose of this election is to implant the spirit of democracy among students. The announcing event included the winners students; Mohamed Janahi, Fahad Al Fahaid, Ahmed Al Khazali, Hind Khalil, Ahmed Al Buawas, Ahmed Thabit, Mozah Al Khalidi and Mohamed Al Jowder who represented the College of Administrative Sciences, then From the College of Law; Sayed Aqeel Al Alalawi, Suhaib Al Romi, Mohamed Janahi, Mohamed Al Shaer and From College of Art and Science; Mahmood Sultan, Mohamed Ramadhan and finally; Adam Fouad from the College of Engineering.
Professor Ghassan Aouad, the University President, congratulated the newly appointed members of the council for gaining the trust of their fellow students to be their representatives. Professor Aouad pointed out the importance of annual elections for the Student Council and how it reflects in the university openness and the Kingdom of Bahrain in line with the democratic approach of the Kingdom, which was laid down by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his wise leadership. He also thanked the previous members of the Council for their efforts to serve the University and their significant role in organizing the various events in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs. He pointed out that the strategy adopted by the University is formulated to encourage the democratic culture and the effective role of the council that will be played as the best ambassador for students. Noting that all conditions have been set to ensure success, equality and control of the electoral process.
And finally, he concluded the event by stressing on the genuine partnership between the University and the Student Council with regard to the students’ interest that will equip them to overcome the challenges they may experience during their educational journey and future.
The Graduates Council at ASU 2021
ASU, with the purpose of electing representatives for graduate students and staff who will be the spokesperson for the different activities or actions that take place in the university facilities, has elected several graduates and staff by vote in the year 2021, This group of graduates will be part of the university council
The 15th Student Council at ASU 2021
ASU students elected in the 15th Student Council among wide participation of students who came to choose their representatives in the Council, in an atmosphere filled with enthusiasm and competition, where the electoral process witnessed an increasing turnout among students at the polling stations. The student council elections aim to promote the spirit of democracy among students and encourage them to participate in the University students and activities. It also comes in line with the country’s democratic approach, which was laid down by HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, may God protect him. The elections resulted in the victory of 6 students out of the 15 candidates for the student council elections, which was held with the participation of a large number of students from different faculties of the University.
- Aysheh Mohamed- President of the Sports Club
- Abdulla Mohamed Darraj- President of the Talent Club
- Husain Yusuf Abul- President of the Media Club
- Ghaneema Naser Ebrahim – President of the Cultural Club
- Sara Waleed Hasan – President of the Women’s Club
- Husain Ali Rahmatalla – President of the Volunteer Club
University Syndicate
ASU has a workers’ union which watches over the rights of its colleagues and has the voice of all for complaints or claims that arise during working hours. The main spokesperson is Faisal Al-Saeed a Assistant professor of ASU. The union was created at the end of 2020 with the purpose of giving workers the ability to debate internal issues of working hours and generate spaces that promote a better work environment.
ASU Student Council New areas of participation
In 01 March 2021, a debate was carried out on new areas of participation, in which the political actions of the presidents of each club, their proposals and recommendations were covered, this meeting had the purpose of defining the strategy for 2022 to be carried out the Student Council. Each president’s proposals are submitted to a vote by the other members and if there are more votes in favor, this will be implemented within the legal framework established by the university.
ASU, by virtue of reaching decisions about the most essential issues for its university community, conducts meetings in order to respond to these concerns. The president, vice presidents, academic and administrative staff representatives are part of these meetings and are the representative voice of each sector. Bylaws in item 5 shows the role developed by the president of the university in the official bodies as with external entities
Ceremony honoring members of the Student Council
Under the care of his Excellency Prof. Dr. Ghassan Awwad. University’s president The Deanship of Student Affairs made a ceremony honoring members of the Student Council for its 14th session and the announcement of the results of the student council elections for its 15th session.
The Deanship of Student Affairs Message to Students
The Deanship of Student Affairs is opening the door for our dear students to vote for their preferred candidates for the fifteen student council elections for the academic year 2021-2022, on Saturday 20 February 2021.
The Student Council
The ASU Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student [8].
The Council Objectives are to:
- Promote the spirit of Bahraini citizenship and belongingness.
- Raise the level of cultural and cognitive awareness among the students of the
- Encourage the idea of student and volunteer work for the university students.
- Develop and strengthen the trust and respect among the members of the Council as well as all the academic and administrative staff of the University.
- Adapt permanently to the vision, mission and objectives of the university.
The Second Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives
Intervention of His Excellency the Second Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, a student at the university, Ali Zayed, during The second day of the virtual electoral tables, where nine candidates presented their electoral programs in front of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ghassan Awad, and a number of members of the university’s higher administration, deans of colleges, the Deanship of Student Affairs, a group of university students and members of former student councils [9].
The Deanship of Student Affairs
The Deanship of Student Affairs is the body that cares for students outside the classroom. It is also responsible for their activities outside the school curriculum with the aim of building their personalities behaviorally, cognitively and skillfully and follows a student-centered philosophy and hence is fully committed to enhance the University life experience for all ASU students. The Deanship of Student Affairs and works hard with a great team spirit amongst faculty, staff and students to make the student life experience a success also it provides various opportunities for our students to foster their intellectual and personal development to enhance the overall educational experience at ASU The doors of the deanship are always open to listen and support our students with their suggestions, opinions, concerns, issues, and needs. Our students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of their time at ASU, and to participate in the multiple activities and opportunities organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs; for leadership development, student engagement, volunteering activities, multicultural, social and sport activities. We strive to encourage and support our students to expand their horizons and develop their full potential at ASU and beyond.