Elected representation 

The University recognizes the importance of democratic processes and ensuring representation from various stakeholders within its governance structure. To promote transparency and inclusivity, the University has established elected representation on its governing body, as well as on other key decision-making bodies, these bodies are:

1.  Board of Directors.

2.  Board of Trustees.

3.  University Council.

4.  College Council.

5.  Department Council.

6.      Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors holds the highest authority within the University, comprising a minimum of five members representing the University's shareholders. This esteemed body assumes several crucial responsibilities, ensuring effective governance and strategic decision-making. The key responsibilities of the Board include:


By diligently fulfilling these responsibilities, the Board of Directors contributes to the effective financial management, sustainability, and overall success of the University. Their decisions and oversight play a crucial role in shaping the University's future and ensuring its continued growth and development.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees plays a crucial role in fostering an environment that promotes teaching and learning, scientific research, innovation, and community engagement within the University. The Board assumes several responsibilities, tasks, and duties, including:

To fulfill its duties effectively, the Board of Trustees adheres to best practice directives in the governance of higher education institutions. The Board of Trustees consists of a minimum of seven members and a maximum of fifteen members per cycle. Specific conditions are considered when selecting members, including having at least one member with financial expertise and ensuring that academics comprise at least 50% of the Board. Membership duration is four years and may be renewed. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is a member of the Board of Directors. The University President is a permanent member of the Board of Trustees but does not participate in sessions and discussions directly related to the Board's responsibilities concerning the appointment or performance monitoring of the President unless specifically invited. The Board of Trustees selects its members through a nomination process led by the Chairman, ensuring no conflicts of interest and that candidates meet the required conditions for Board membership. New members are provided with an orientation on their duties before attending official Board meetings. The Board periodically reviews its performance and takes necessary steps to support its effectiveness. Additionally, the Board of Trustees selects a Vice Chairman from its members who is not an owner or shareholder of the University.

University Council

The University Council possesses both the authority and the responsibility to provide recommendations regarding changes in university policies based on relevant circumstances. Its main responsibilities include:

-        Establishing admissions requirements for students.

-        Discussing and approving the number of students to be admitted to various programs and determining the fees for each program.

-        Developing policies and procedures for assessing students' achievements and conducting relevant examinations.

-        Reviewing and approving curriculum content.

-        Setting academic standards and reviewing courses.

-        Granting academic qualifications.

-        Awarding honorary titles.

-        Addressing the dismissal of students for academic reasons.


The following members for a one-year term make up the university council:

The following rules apply to University Council meetings:

Each College establishes a council known as the College Council, which is chaired by the College Dean. The Dean is responsible for overseeing the management of the College in regard to academic affairs, scientific research, administration, finance, quality assurance, community service, and the implementation of relevant plans. The College Council's duties include:



Membership of the Council is as follows for a one-year term:



The Chairman of the Council has the authority to invite additional individuals to attend meetings as needed. The Council convenes when most of its members, including the Chairman, are present. Decisions are made by a majority vote, with the Chairman having the casting vote in the event of a tie.  Meetings of the College Council are scheduled at agreed-upon times during the first meeting. The Council must convene at least once every two months or whenever necessary. Recommendations from the College Council are forwarded by the College Dean to the University President for presentation to the University Council. The minutes of College Council meetings are submitted to the University President.


Department Council


Each Department establishes an academic council known as the Department Council, which is chaired by the Head of Department. The Head of Department is responsible for managing the Department in relation to academic affairs, scientific research, administration, finance, quality assurance and accreditation, community service, and the implementation of relevant plans. The Department Council's responsibilities include:



Membership of the Council is as follows for a one-year term:



The Department Council meets when the majority of its members, including the Head of Department, are present. Decisions and recommendations are made by a majority vote, with the Head of Department having the casting vote in case of a tie. Recommendations from the Department Council are forwarded to the College Dean for presentation to the College Council. Minutes of Department Council meetings are submitted by the Head of Department, via the College Dean, to the University President.


Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council

The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council is responsible for submitting recommendations regarding policy changes based on circumstances. In the execution of its duties, the Council will:



Membership of the Council for a one-year term is as follows:



The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council convenes at specified times agreed upon during the first meeting and must meet at least once every three months or as required. Meetings of the Council are held with the presence of the majority of members, including the Chairman. Decisions and recommendations are made by a majority vote, with the Chairman having the casting vote in the event of a tie. Recommendations and resolutions of the Council are presented by the Chairman to the University Council.