International Collaboration Data Gathering for SDG 

The University is actively contributing to the achievement of this goal through conferences such as the International Conference on Innovation, Technology, Enterprise, and Entrepreneurship (ICITEE) 2019. The ICITEE 2019 conference, jointly organized by ASU and London South Bank University, provided a common forum for researchers and practitioners to present their ideas, best practices, and research findings related to technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The conference proceedings include 69 papers from researchers from 16 countries, covering a wide range of topics related to innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.

The papers presented at the conference highlight the importance of innovation and technology in driving sustainable industrialization and infrastructure development.

For example, one paper presented the role of managerial innovation in improving human resource performance at Bahrain Sport Federations, while another paper explored innovative field applications of fiber-reinforced polymer composite reinforcing bars in civil engineering infrastructures. Furthermore, the conference provided a platform for networking and collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from different countries and disciplines. This collaboration is essential for fostering innovation and promoting sustainable industrialization, as it allows for the exchange of ideas and knowledge-sharing across borders and sectors.

In conclusion, the ICITEE 2019 conference organized by ASU is a clear example of the university's commitment to promoting cross sectoral dialogue About SDGs. Through such conferences and other initiatives, ASU is playing an important role in driving sustainable development and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. News of the conference-  International Conference on Innovation, Technology, Enterprise, and Entrepreneurship (ICITEE) 2019:

Also in the year 2022, the university organized the International Conference on the Leadership And Management of Projects in the digital age IC:LAMP 2022. The IC:LAMP conference is a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their knowledge and experiences related to the leadership and management of projects in the digital age. The conference proceedings cover a wide range of topics related to project management, digitalization, and innovation, which are crucial for achieving sectoral dialogues about SDGs.

For instance, the conference includes papers related to agile project management, which is a modern approach to project management that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. These papers demonstrate the potential of agile project management in improving project performance and productivity, which can have important applications in various industries.

Moreover, the conference includes papers related to digitalization and innovation, such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology in project management. These papers highlight the potential of these emerging technologies in improving project efficiency, transparency, and security.

The conference also addresses the challenges and opportunities for the adoption and implementation of digitalization and innovation in project management. For instance, one paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of implementing AI in project management, while another paper explores the impact of digitalization on project management practices in the construction industry.

Overall, the IC:LAMP conference and the conference proceedings demonstrate ASU's commitment to promoting sectoral dialogue. By providing a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their knowledge and experiences, ASU is contributing to the development of new approaches and techniques for project management that can contribute to sustainable development and economic growth.

Link to conference:

The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Innovation, and Sustainable Development (ICETSIS) was held on 22nd and 23rd June 2023. This conference, organized by Applied Science University (ASU), plays a crucial role in advancing SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. ICETSIS serves as a platform for cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration among researchers, scientists, innovators, and industry professionals from vari ous disciplines and sectors. By bringing together stakeholders from academia, industry, and government, the conference facilitates knowledge exchange, fosters partnerships, and promotes collective action towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. ICETSIS contributes to SDG 17 by promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration to address global challenges and drive sustainable development.

Link to Conference:

OCTOBER 9, 2023

Under the patronage of Her Excellency Dr. Diana Abdulkareem Al Jahrami, Secretary-General of the Higher Education Council, the University held a signing ceremony for a Memorandum of Understanding with Ajman University in the United Arab Emirates. The ceremony was attended by Her Excellency Dr. Diana Abdulkareem Al Jahrami, Professor Waheeb Al Khaja, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Applied Science University (ASU), Professor Ammar Kaka, President of ASU, Dr. Karim Seghir, Chancellor of Ajman University, and H.E. Mr. Ali Obaid Al-Zaabi, Acting Chargé d’Affaires of Education, Science, and Technology at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The memorandum was signed by Professor Ammar Kaka on behalf of ASU and Dr. Karim Seghir on behalf of Ajman University. This memorandum aims to enhance cooperation between the two universities in the fields of teaching and learning, scientific research, and the pursuit of academic and scientific goals, as well as professional relations between the two universities.

On this occasion, Her Excellency the Secretary-General of the HEC commended the deep relations between higher education institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain and their counterparts in the sisterly United Arab Emirates. She emphasized the importance of memoranda of understanding between local, regional, and international higher education institutions to enhance cooperation and academic and knowledge exchange at various levels, which would contribute to improving the quality of higher education outcomes, meeting the needs of the labor market, and ensuring the quality of the educational process.

From his end, Professor Waheeb Al Khaja expressed her sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Higher Education Council for its sustained support of higher education institutions in the Kingdom, affirming that the Higher Education Council has been and will remain the main element for the success of all these institutions.

He also expressed his delight at the signing of this memorandum, which represents a testimony of the distinguished and long-standing relations between the Bahraini and Emirati peoples. He pointed out that the memorandum creates opportunities for both parties to harness human and material capabilities to achieve the desired goals of this cooperation, which positively reflects on educational outcomes and contributes to graduating outstanding students capable of competing in the job market and meeting its needs.

As for the President of ASU, he stated that this partnership has been possible thanks to the strong commitment of two universities and their willingness to apply the highest standards of academic quality and provide outstanding education to serve our communities in Bahraini, the Gulf region, and the Arab world. He also highlighted that this memorandum would contribute to supporting the university’s efforts in achieving its strategic plan, which focuses on the importance of cooperation with prestigious Arab and international universities.

In fact, the President emphasized that the University, within its strategic plan, actively seeks to strengthen its academic and research cooperation with various regional and international institutions and universities, with the aim of graduating a distinguished group of students who possess the skills and knowledge that serve them in the job market.

From his end, Dr. Karim Seghir, Chancellor of Ajman University, expressed his delight at the signing of this memorandum, which aims to enhance cooperation between two leading academic institutions in two sister countries, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, which are bound by deep historical ties that extend back decades. He said, “Through this memorandum, we seek to enhance academic and research cooperation and exchange experiences and visits of faculty members and students. This stems from our firm belief that joint work inevitably leads to mutual success. Through this partnership, we also look forward to achieving integration and complementarity in various fields in order to provide our students with rich educational experiences that enable them to excel in the local, regional, and global job markets, and to provide platforms for academics to participate in joint scientific research and enhance the academic legacy of both institutions.

Applied Science University Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Huawei in the field of Information and Communication Technology

SEPTEMBER 16, 2021

Applied Science University signed a memorandum of understanding with Huawei, the leading global company in the provision of information and communication technology infrastructure, with the aim of enhancing joint work between the University and the tech giant to provide training programs in the fields of information and communication technology, in addition to cooperation and partnership in various fields of research and training.

The memorandum was signed on the part of ASU by Professor Ghassan Aouad, President of the University, and on the part of Huawei by Mr. Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei, in the presence of Dr. Jassim Haji, President of the International Group of Artificial Intelligence (IGOAI), and Mr. Eric Hyun Lee, CEO of Huawei in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in addition to the Vice Presidents of the University and members of its senior management team.

Under the memorandum of understanding, ASU will provide classrooms and educational facilities to accommodate Huawei ICT equipment, as well as nominate professional trainers to become certified trainers for the Huawei Academy Certificate Programme, while Huawei will provide the training curricula and the accredited certificates via Huawei Authorized Information and Network Academy program (HAINA), along with the necessary equipment for the training programs that the University will deliver based on students’ training needs.

On this occasion, the President of the University, Professor Ghassan Aouad, expressed his happiness to cooperate with Huawei, which is one of the largest technology companies in the world, noting that this partnership supports the University’s plans and vision to keep pace with the latest technological developments that revolutionized the field of education and contributed significantly to the development of teaching and research and how students receive learning.

Professor Ghassan also explained that the University gives utmost importance to the STEM subjects promoting the use and mastery of technology. Indeed, the University offers Bachelor degrees in the disciplines of Computer Science and also in Management Information Systems which are highly valued in the job market due to their importance and uses in various fields of business. Professor Ghassan reiterated his pride in signing this memorandum with the global company Huawei, hoping that this cooperation will be effectively reflected in the services offered by the University to its students by promoting the use of technology in the various processes and activities held at the University, in order to facilitate the educational delivery and the administrative support for the students.

Finally, Professor Ghassan Aouad noted that the University’s keenness to develop ICT capabilities by investing in the development of Bahraini talents is driven by its eagerness to contribute to the national development of the Kingdom of Bahrain by providing the job market with a new generation of graduates that are tech savvy. He concluded by saying that this is perfectly in line with the national strategies and the Bahrain 2030 Vision which aims at turning Bahrain into a digital, knowledge-based economy, capable of competing with the international markets at the highest levels.