Public resources (lifelong learning) 

The The University recognizes the importance of lifelong learning in supporting the achievement of SDG4. As such, ASU has implemented various measures to support lifelong learning and promote access to quality education beyond traditional academic programs. These measures include continuing education programs, professional development courses, and community outreach initiatives.  ASU's continuing education programs are designed to provide individuals with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in their respective fields. These programs are available to graduates and professionals seeking to expand their expertise and stay up to date with the latest developments in their industries.


ASU also offers professional development courses that are tailored to meet the needs of organizations and businesses. These courses provide employees with the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge, enhancing their professional development and contributing to the success of their organizations.  Furthermore, ASU's community outreach initiatives aim to promote access to quality education for all members of society, regardless of their background or circumstances. These initiatives include partnerships with local schools and organizations, as well as public lectures and workshops.


Applied Science University recognizes the importance of investing in the professional development of its staff and supporting lifelong learning opportunities as part of its commitment to achieving SDG 4. To support this goal, the university has invested in obtaining accreditation from Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy), a global organization that promotes teaching excellence and supports the professional development of staff in higher education institutions. By obtaining this accreditation, the university demonstrates its commitment to providing high-quality teaching and learning experiences for its members of staff, which in turn supports their ongoing professional development and contributes to the creation of a culture of lifelong learning. Through this investment, Applied Science University is not only improving the quality of education it provides to its students but also contributing to the achievement of SDG 4 and the development of a more sustainable future for all. The table below shows how many members of staff benefited from this lifelong learning opportunity provided by the university:

 By promoting lifelong learning and providing access to quality education beyond traditional academic programs, ASU is contributing to the achievement of SDG4. These measures support the development of a knowledgeable and skilled workforce, promote social and economic development, and help to create a more equitable and inclusive society. Below are some of the many events that took place for providing access to educational resources for those not studying at the university:


As a part of the Community Engagement Office (CE Office) Initiatives at Applied Science University (ASU), Dr Saeed Hameed AlDulaimi, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration in College of Administrative Sciences delivered a Lecture titled “Coordination, Follow- Up and Secretarial Skills” on Wednesday, 5 December 2018. The audience was the staff of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives and some students.

As a part of the CE Office Activities at ASU, Dr Baha Eldin Makkawi, Head of Department of Political Science in College of Administrative Sciences gave a Lecture at Bahrain Institute for Political Development entitled “Preparation of Parliamentary Research and Studies.” The Lecture dealt with a number of significant topics such as the definition of parliamentary research, its terms and tools, using the scientific method in the preparation of parliamentary research. The Lecture was held on 24 June 2019 and attended by a number of employees of Shura Council, Council of Representatives, and Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.

As part of the CE Office Initiatives at ASU, Dr Mohammad Alaa Al-Hamami, Associate Professor in Management Information Systems and Manager of Community Engagement Office has delivered a Lecture titled “Social Media Basics” that was rganized by “Al Eker Charitable Society” in cooperation with the CE Office on Saturday, 29 June 2019 at Al Eker Charitable Society Premises. The Lecture addressed several topics, such as the importance of using the social media platforms intelligently and wisely, the role of accounts on such platforms in defining their owners whether individuals or institutions, and how to use such platforms as tools for marketing and promotion of ideas, goods and services, if used professionally. The Lecturer also explained that cyberspace reflects the real world, including good and evil, and must be handled with great caution, especially noncommunicating with anonymous accounts. He also stressed on the need to resort to the competent security authorities when exposed to an electronic crime such as piracy, extortion or others.

As part of the Community Engagement initiatives at Applied Science University, Dr Ahmed Mohamed Arbab, Vice Dean of the College of Administrative Sciences delivered “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility” Lecture that was rganized by Al Eker Charitable Society in cooperation with the CE Office on Saturday, 30 June 2019 at Al Eker Charitable Society Premises. The Lecture addressed several topics, including the significance of investment projects and activities implemented by organisations in different fields such as social, cultural, economic and environmental, the need to build bridges between organisations as this would enable the implementation of social responsibility programmes that have a good impact on different segments of the society, and the importance of employees’ awareness of the ethical standards and values that are directed towards promoting ethical behaviour and performance.

Dr Ammar Al-Samarrai and Dr Nadia Al-Sharidah participated in the International Conference (Zakat and Comprehensive Development - Towards Activating the Civilised Role of the Zakat Law in the Reality of Contemporary Societies), which was held under the patronage of His Excellency Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs.

Professor Waheeb Al Khaja, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, participated in the educational seminar held for the officers studying at the Royal Command, Staff and National Defense College under the Title “Educational Policy in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre, and the Community Engagement Office organised the number of Lectures provided online to ASU Staff, Students, Alumni, and the Local Community. Dr Bishr Lutfi delivered the first Lecture with the title “Managing the Family Budget” on July 4th, 2020, the Second Lecture with the Title “The Importance of Automating Offices to Enable Remote Work in Times of Crisis” was delivered by Dr Ahmad Shatat on July 5th, 2020, the Third Lecture with the Title “The Future and Importance of Electronic Commerce” was delivered by Dr Samer Shorman on July 6th, 2020, the Fourth Lecture with the Title “Introduction to Photoshop” was delivered by Dr Mohamed Abdeldayem on July 7th, 2020, the Fifth Lecture with the Title “The ABCs of Social Media” was delivered by Dr Mohammad Al- Hamami on July 8th, 2020, and the Last Lecture with the Title “The Art of Self-Development” was delivered by Dr Ibrahim Abualsondos on July 9th, 2020.

As a part of the Initiatives of Community Engagement Office at Applied Science University, which includes the provision of consultations to civil society institutions by the University; the CE Office coordinate some meetings that will be held to provide consultations sessions to the Bahrain Deaf Society. Mr Salem Khalaf Salem Alateyyat will deliver the consultations sessions, a Lecturer in the College of Administrative Sciences at Applied Science University, to improve the Bahrain Deaf Society’s Strategic Plan.

On December 26th, 2019, Applied Science University presented by Professor Ghassan Aouad, the University President, Dr Mohammed Yousif, VP for Administration, Finance and Community Engagement, Dr Mohammad Alaa Al-Hamami, Manager of Community Engagement Office, and some Academic and Administrative Staff, was honoured by HE Mr Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Hamaidan, the Minister of Labour and Social Development, for supporting the online platform system to train the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) remotely on financial management. The cooperation between University and the Ministry comes as a part of the Community Engagement Office at ASU initiative in building the online platform that aims to train 400 employees and volunteers from NGOs for 12 months and granting them a Professional Certificate in the Management of Funds of NGOs, and qualifying them for the position of Financial Secretary or Accountant in the Boards of NGOs.  Training Programmes will be available monthly through the online platform, the trainee will be able to view the training material according to the time available to him and will be able to submit the tests at the end of each unit and will receive an evaluation result electronically to be able to move to the next training unit.  During the honouring ceremony of launching the online platform, the Minister was given an honorary trophy to Professor Ghassan Aouad, The University President and Dr Mohammed Yousif, VP for Administration, Finance and Community Engagement for their attendance. Moreover, the Minister give appreciation certificates to Dr Mohammad Alaa Al- Hamami, Manager of CE Office and Associate Professor in Department of Management Information Systems, Dr Talal Al Alkawi, Associate Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance, Dr Ammar Esam Alsammarraee Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance, Professor Murad Abdalah AlJanabi, Academic Staff in Department of Public Law, Dr Mohammad Abdalhafid AlKhamaiseh, Assistant Professor in Department of Private Law, Dr Murad Ali AlTarawneh, Assistant Professor in Department of Private Law, Mr Baha Eldeen Sami Karaimeh, Office Manager of Public Relations Office, and Mr Yusuf Ahmed AlGhawi, Administrator in Marketing and Public Relations Directorate, for their contribution and efforts in building the online platform.

It also worth to mention that the Ministry provide 20 accounts for ASU students to participate in the online platform. A future visit will be conducted by the Directorate of Non-Government Organisations Support at Ministry of Labour and Social Development to ASU to honour ASU Staff. They participate in building the online platform and couldn’t attend the honouring ceremony of launching the online platform.

Dr Marwan Abdeldayem, Associate Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Management of Procurement and Tender” on October 8th, 2020, to the employee of the Secretary General of the House of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.  The lecturer provided adequate data about the definition of the purchasing function, the significance of the purchasing function, the purchasing objectives, and the quality of purchases. He also clarified the types of procurement, purchase cost, sources of data, sources and policies of supply, and comparison between sources of supply, in addition to the methods of evaluating the sources of supply, government procurement procedures, and analysis and bids evaluation.

Dr Ayman Hammouri, Assistant Professor in Department of Public Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Principles of Administrative Investigation” on October 13th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the House of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.  The lecturer clarified that the public job represents a mandate for those in charge before they are entitled to it. Therefore, the purpose of doing it is to manage the public utility regularly and steadily, serving individuals and satisfying their needs. Consequently, the employee shall commit to a set of job duties, relevant laws and regulations, legitimate orders, and instructions based on the relationship between the public employee and his management, which has been settled by legal jurisprudence as an organisational relationship governed by legal rules in the country. Thus, the employee must adhere to these legal rules as an inevitable result of this relationship. Otherwise, he will be subject to disciplinary sanctions by the competent authority.  The lecturer highlighted the significance of the investigation by showing administrative violations and revealing the facts as part of a set of procedures carried out by the competent investigative authority and thus the ruling, either acquittal or conviction, per the guarantees that constitutions and functional legislation have worked to create. The lecture dealt with the following topics: the definition of the public employee, the public employee’s duties, the meaning of the administrative investigation and its elements, the significance of the administrative investigation for the administration and the employee, referral to the investigation, investigation guarantees, and disciplinary sanctions.

Dr Mohammad Alkhamaiseh, Assistant Professor in Department of Private Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Analysis and Interpretation of Legal Texts” on October 15th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the House of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.  The lecturer discussed that the judge’s role is to apply interpreted legal rules to judicial disputes to apply those rules properly. The interpretation is either a legislative interpretation undertaken by the legislator or a jurisprudent taken over by legal jurisprudence when conducting legal research and studies or a judicial interpretation, which the judge undertakes while applying the laws to the pending disputes. The legal texts analysis deconstructs the legal text into the elements and then identifies its components. The interpretation and analysis of legal texts are significant for those working in the law, such as University professors, judges, lawyers, and law students, or for people performing a specific legal act. The lecture was divided into two main themes, the first is the interpretation of legal texts, and the second is the analysis of legal texts.

Dr Atheelah Alazawi, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “The Art of Decision-Making and Solving Administrative Problems” on October 21th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the House of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecture highlighted the quantitative methods in analysing administrative and economic problems and searching for optimal solutions as a step towards substituting scientific logic and reaching an objective decision. The quantitative method in decision-making depends on using mathematical and statistical methods, operations research and computer techniques, away from intuition and personal guesswork. The quantitative approach is a logical framework for analysing complex decision-making problems and reaching a better decision.  The lecture addressed various topics, including the administrative decision-making concept, its stages, data, and types. The lecturer also clarified the role of the manager, data, and quantitative in decision-making methods and the role of decision theory applications and break-even analysis in the decision-making procedure.

Dr Ammar Alsammarraee, Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Developing Accounting and Financial Performance” on October 25th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the House of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

Dr Murad Altarawneh, Assistant Professor in Department of Private Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Writing Legal Memos” on October 26th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer suggested following a scientific approach when writing legal memoranda or a topic. If the legal person lacks the preparation approach of his legal memorandum, his explanations will sound chaotic. The scientific method in drafting legal memoranda is a technical methodological method for transferring knowledge to others; it differs from ordinary thinking. It depends on a specific approach to examining the subject matter and the relationship between the facts and evidence, reference, and records. It also depends on interpretation and analysis, objectives, and logical conclusions. The lecture addressed various topics, including preparing legal regulations (the list of cases and portfolio documents), the legal responses to the regulations, the pleadings close, and the jurisdiction.

Prof Ghaith Al Khassawneh, Acting Head of the Legal Clinic Unit and Associate Professor at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Legal Research Work” on November 1st, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.  The lecturer clarified that preparing legal research is necessary for professors, judges, lawyers, consultants, students and other practitioners. He also mentioned that writing research enriches the researcher’s linguistic talent of legal methodological thinking, showing the advantages and disadvantages of legal texts. Legal research provides libraries with research related to all law branches.  The lecture addressed choosing a research topic, collecting sources and references, and legal writing.

Dr Ali Aldada, Head of the Political Science Department at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Tools for Political and Social Analysis” on November 5th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer clarified that analysis is an old concept, which subsequently underwent many developments, as the analysis relied basically in the past on asking questions and trying to find answers to identify the reasons behind the occurrence of a phenomenon. However, the rapid events prompted the development of analysis tools in various fields. The lecture highlighted the political and social fields, analysed cases and the study manner of the relationship between the fragments, and their impact has been identified. The lecture addressed various topics, including nature analysis, its methodology, origins, necessity and significance, and the benefits of political and social analysis, their methods, and tools.

Dr Iyad Al Sartawi, Head of the Accounting and Finance Department at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Final Accounts and Financial Analysis” on November 9th, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecturer presented an idea of preparing accounts, final accounts and financial statements for government projects, and various topics that included preparing accounting settlements according to the accrual basis, preparing financial and performance reports, and reading and analysing financial statements and final accounts.

Dr Mohammad Alaa Al-Hamami, Associate Professor in Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administrative Sciences and Manager of Community Engagement Office, delivered an online lecture titled “The Optimal Use of Social Media Platforms” on November 18, 2020, to the employees of the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer shed light on the significance of the various social media platforms and how to create accounts and use them correctly and optimally to achieve the various goals and objectives. The lecturer also clarified the ethics of social media, the risks of social media, and how to manage those risks. The lecture also addressed a number of topics, including facts about social media, social media platforms and their types, the stages (life cycle) of a social media account, the ethics of social communication, the danger of social media, safety tips for social networking, and tips on how to protect yourself against cybercrime.

Dr Khairi Omar, Head of Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Time Management and Prioritisation” to the employees of the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives on Sunday, November 22 2020, within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Centre, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.  The lecturer highlighted time management, whether at work or on their own time. Some individuals can work continuously for long hours without achieving satisfactory results and vice versa. It depends on time management and prioritisation, effective time management, prioritisation and goal-setting. This lecture is designed to provide participants with the essential techniques and skills to identify the significant factors contributing to performance improvement and increasing productivity based on the latest practical, scientific and psychological research on this topic. The lecture addressed various topics, including managing time, prioritising and linking time to your short and long-term goals, utilising the planning and scheduling techniques, using the 4 Ds for effective workflow, and setting smart goals. The lecture also included how to stop wasting time and procrastination, manage your environment, manage the flow of emails and phone calls, align priorities with expectations, and learn the art of effective delegation.

Dr Bishr Muhammad, Associate Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Credit Cards Standards” on December 10th, 2020, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer discussed a number of topics during the lecture, including the idea of the bank card, the idea of the credit card, the terms and method of issuance of these cards, the services provided by some banks to the holder of these cards, the way to deal with the credit card in travel, and economic tips to rationalise the use of credit cards. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Atheelah Alazawi, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “The Art of Decision- Making and Solving Administrative Problems” to the local community on January 6th, 2021, within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and the ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecture discussed a number of topics, including the concept of administrative decision-making, stages of decision-making, the manager’s role and data in decision-making, types of decisions according to the degree of data assurance, the role of computers in decision-making, and the role of quantitative decision-making methods. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Wael Abdelhafeez, Associate Professor in Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the College of Engineering, delivered an online lecture titled “3ds Max” on January 28th, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecture discussed various topics, including the concept of administrative decision-making, stages of decision-making, the manager’s role and data in decision-making, types of decisions according to the degree of data assurance, the role of computers in decision-making, and the role of quantitative decision-making methods. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Mohanad Alsenori, Associate Professor in Department of Private Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Implementation of Foreign Judgments in the Kingdom of Bahrain” on February 2nd, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement. The lecturer discussed a number of topics during the lecture, including an introduction to the lecture topic, regulations for the enforcement of foreign judgments, conditions for enforcing foreign judgments in Bahraini law, and conclusions and recommendations. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Professor Hatem Dammak, Head of the Audit and Compliance Unit at Applied Science University, delivered an online lecture titled “The Basics of Strategic Planning” on February 23rd, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecture addressed various topics, including an introduction to strategic planning, the benefits of strategic planning, the strategic planning process, the analyses required before writing the strategic plan, its vision, mission, values, priorities, goals, performance indicators, and operational plans, publishing and updating. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Ahmed Almuhamadi, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Methods of Scientific Research” on February 25, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between the University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. A number of topics were discussed during the lecture, including the concept of scientific research, its types and methods, the research problem, the dimensions of the research, its significance, objectives and questions, previous studies and the formulation of opportunities, research design and methodologies, data collection, classification and analysis in various ways, and writing reports (conclusions and recommendations).

Prof Murad Altarawneh, Assistant Professor in Department of Private Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Writing Legal Memos” on February 25th, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between the Applied Science University and the Secretary General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

A number of topics were discussed during the lecture, including the basic points that must be available before drafting memos, writing a list of claims, writing a list of notices, data lists, urgent requests, and the close of pleading.

Dr Hooreya Aldleeb, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Social Intelligence” on March 1st, 2021, to employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecture addressed various topics, including the intelligence concept and its different types, social intelligence concept, its significance, dimensions, skills, theories, measurements, and characteristics of an intelligent person.

Dr Ramzi Hilat, Head of Department of Public Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Fundamentals of Administrative Investigation” on March 4th, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary- General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

A number of topics were discussed during the lecture, including the meaning of the administrative investigation, the significance of the administrative investigation, the competent authority to refer the employee to the investigation, administrative investigation procedures, administrative investigation standards, and the offending employee procedures, and how to get the offence dismissed or dropped.

Dr Ragab Ebrahim, Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “How to Determine the Price of a Commodity in the Market” on March 7th, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecture addressed various topics, including the difference between the competitive market and the monopoly market, the demand curve for a commodity the supply curve for a commodity. He also clarified the equilibrium price definition. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Adel Alsamman, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Human Resources Development” to the Employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council on March 9, 2021, within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecture addressed various topics, including an introduction to human resource development, its meaning, definition, development, factors behind its rise of development, purpose, activities, and challenges, and a summary of training and development.

Dr Abdulkareem Alalwan, Head of Department of Private Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Ordinary judiciary and Expedited Judiciary” on March 11, 2021, to employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

A number of topics were clarified during the lecture, including the competent enforcement authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, types of executive bonds, ordinary judiciary, expedited judiciary, and expedited judiciary by the court order.

Dr Ali Almasadeh, Manager of Graduate Studies at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Implementation Issues in Criminal Judgments and Orders” on March 18th, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecture addressed various topics, including the nature of the implementation issues in criminal judgments and orders, the types of implementation issues, and reasons, and the jurisdiction to consider, raise and judge those issues.

Dr Mohammed Alaghbari, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Six Sigma” on March 18th, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary- General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

A number of topics were discussed during the lecture, including the concept of quality systems, the Six Sigma quality method, Six Sigma statistics, Six Sigma strategy, Six Sigma tools and methods, Six Sigma application methodology, and Six Sigma applications in administrative work.

Ms Ghada Ihsan, Lecturer in Department of Public Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Public International Law” on March 25th, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office. A number of topics were clarified during the lecture, including the individuals in public international law and the sources of international law: “Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.”

Dr Ahlam Al-Ethawi, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Procurement and Tenders Management” on April 1, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecture addressed various topics, including purchasing meaning and its significance, the principles and processes of purchasing, the nature of the purchases, the main stages in the procurement cycle (including the selection and evaluation of suppliers), tender meaning and its significance to purchasing, bidding methods for procurement and supplies, the bidding stages, some common mistakes made by buyers, and some essential tips.

Dr Mohammad Alaa Al-Hamami, Associate Professor in Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administrative Sciences and Manager of Community Engagement Office, delivered an online lecture titled “The Optimal Use of Social Media Platforms” on April 15th, 2021, to the employees of the Secretary-General of Shura Council within the framework of cooperation between the Applied Science University and the Secretary-General of Shura Council, the Training Committee in the Directorate of Human Resources & Finance of the Council, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office.

A number of topics were discussed during the lecture, including facts about social media, social media platforms and their types, the life cycle of a social media account, the ethics of social communication, the danger of social media, safety tips for social networking, and tips to protect yourself against cybercrime.

Dr Muhammad Al-Abbar, Assistant Professor in Department of Design and Arts at the College of Arts and Science, delivered an online lecture titled “Arabic Calligraphy and Its Reflections on our Contemporary Lives” on April 15th, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecturer shed light on a number of topics during the lecture, including the history and development of Arabic calligraphy, Kufic fonts and their various aesthetic styles, soft and attributed calligraphy, types of Arabic calligraphy, the art of Arabic calligraphy and its lovers, Arabic calligraphy in printing, and modern Arabic fonts as communication arts. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Talal Al Alkawi, Associate Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “How to Calculate Tax” on April 28th, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. During the lecture, the lecturer clarified a number of topics, including the tax definition, its characteristics and objectives, the difference between “tax”, “fee”, and “fine”, types of taxes, standards of a good tax system, tax estimation methods, tax rates and methods of collection, classifications of taxpayers, determining taxable income, sales taxes and Value- Added Tax (VAT), the application of VAT in Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), tax rates and how to handle them, VAT registration, the mechanism for calculating VAT, an application case for VAT and preparation of tax return form. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Prof Murad Aljanabi, Professor in Department of Public Law at the College of Law, delivered an online lecture titled “Hygiene in the Concept of Islamic Civilisation” on May 25th, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer clarified the significance of hygiene in building the Islamic civilisation, the civilisation of faith, science and charity. The lecturer discussed a number of topics during the lecture, including personal hygiene, hygiene at work, how to have a clean and pure heart, and a summary that includes the correlation of the equation in the three main themes and the emergence of the most beautiful and best-civilised models in the history of Islam. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Ali El-Dada, Head of the Political Science Department at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “E-Learning - Concept and Strategies” on May 27th, 2021, to the local community within ASU community engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecture addressed various topics, including the e-learning concept, features, tools, and challenges, and face-to-face learning. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Ahmad Shatat, Head of Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Computer Application in Business” on June 23rd, 2021, to the local community within ASU Community Engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office.

The lecture addressed various topics, including Microsoft Office definition and its applications and practical examples of using applications, such as Word and Excel. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Ammar Alsammarraee, Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Artificial Intelligence in Education and its Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Kingdom of Bahrain” on June 24th, 2021, to the local community within ASU Community Engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer clarified a number of topics during the lecture, including artificial intelligence definition, its types and applications, artificial intelligence in education, artificial intelligence in accounting at Applied Science University, artificial intelligence and sustainable development goals, and the proposed artificial intelligence strategic plan in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, ASU students and alumni.

Dr Rashed Alrasheed, Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “Writing Thesis Proposals” on June 30th, 2021, to the local community within ASU Community Engagement activities, the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office. The lecturer clarified forty-three rules for writing master and doctoral thesis proposals during the lecture, which aims to understand the general structures of a thesis proposal and plan. In addition to the local community, the lecture attendance included a number of academic and administrative staff, and ASU students and alumni.

Dr Nadya Alshareeda, Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance at the College of Administrative Sciences, delivered an online lecture titled “The Most Effective Habits Every Distance Learning Student Should Follow” on July 14th, 2021, which was organised by the Royal Academy of Police in collaboration with the Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and ASU Community Engagement Office, to the students participating in the 12th Summer Camp of the Royal Academy of Police (13-17 years old). Dr Nadya enlightened during the lecture on the steps to achieve excellence, the seven habits of highly distinguished people, the significance of setting and achieving ambitious goals, the advantages of distance learning, and ways to improve academic performance and overcome learning difficulties.

At’aa Individual Social Responsibility Society, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a live Instagram Lecture entitled “Internet Fraud”, on 24th October, 2021. The Lecture was held on the Society’s Account and presented by Dr Mohammad Al-Hamami, Manager of Community Engagement Office and Associate Professor in Department of Management Information Systems.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Zoom Training Course entitled “Modern Curriculum in Writing and Dividing Research Papers and Reports”, on 24th and 25th October, 2021, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Mahmoud Khalifa, Associate Professor in Department of Political Science, and Dr Abedalrahim Alarqan, Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Zoom Training Course entitled “ Modern Techniques of Preparing Daily and Weekly Political, Social and Financial Bulletins”, on 26th and 27th October, 2021, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Khalil Ibrahim, Associate Professor in Department of Political Science, and Dr Osama Zain El Abdin, Associate Professor in Department of Political Science.

The Training, Development and Continuing Education Centre and the ASU Community Engagement Office delivered a Lecture entitled “Using Big Data and Data Science in the Commercial Field”, to ASU Staff, Students, Alumni, and the Local Community, via ASU E-Learning Platform, on 28th October, 2021. The Lecture was presented by Dr Moaiad Khder, Head of Department of Computer Science.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Zoom Training Course entitled “Methods of Reduction and Design of Political, Financial and Social Infographics”, on 28th October, 2021, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Mahmoud Morad, Associate Professor in Department of Design & Arts.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Zoom Training Course entitled “Analysis of Developments in Political and Financial Events”, on 2nd and 3rd November, 2021, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Khaled Al-Mhasneh, Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science, and Dr Rashed Ahmed, Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science.

The Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, the Department of Business Administration, and the Library and Information Services Directorate, delivered a Lecture entitled “Developing Thinking and Communication Skills”, to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators, presented by Dr Ammar Jalamneh, Director of Library and Information Services Directorate on 26th March, 2022.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office delivered a Training Course entitled “Strategic Planning”, on 15th May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Radwan Kharabsheh, Associate Professor in Department of Business Administration.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the University delivered a Training Course entitled “Methods and Strategies for Designing Work and Modern Organisational Structures”, on 16th May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Ahmed Al-Muhamadi, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Training Course entitled “Dynamics of Groups and Work Teams”, on 19th May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Khairi Mohamed, Head of Department of Business Administration.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in cooperation with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Training Course entitled “Successful Administrative Communication, its Types and Obstacles”, on 22nd May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Adel Alzyoud, Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office delivered a Training Course entitled “How to be a Successful Auditor and Financial Controller”, on 24th May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Ammar Alsammarraee, Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Shura Council, the Department of Parliamentary Performance Development in the Human and Financial Resources Directorate of the Council, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Lecture entitled “Time Management and Prioritization”, on 24th May 2022 to Employees of the General Secretariat of the Shura Council. The Lecture was presented by Dr Khairi Mohamed, Head of Department of Business Administration.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered A Training Course entitled “Administrative Creativity, its Levels, Obstacles, and Methods for its Development and Growth”, on 26th May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Saeed Al Dulaimi, Acting Assistant Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office presented a Training Course entitled “Building Quality Systems According to the Requirements of ISO 9001: 2015”, on 29th May, 2022, for the Employees of Secretariat General of Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Mr Salem Alateyyat, Assistant Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Training Course entitled “Preparing Financial Analyses and Budgets”, on 31st May, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Nadya Al Shareeda, Assistant Professor in Department of Accounting and Finance.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Training Course entitled “Administrative Empowerment”, on 2nd June, 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Training Course was presented by Dr Mohammad Alghbari, Head of the Quality and Accreditation Unit for Academic Affairs.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Centre of Parliamentary Training and Studies, in collaboration with ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Lecture entitled “Fundamentals of Administrative Investigation”, on 9th June, 2022, for the Employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Lecture was presented by Dr Ramzi Helat, Head of Department of Public Law.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Shura Council, the Department of Parliamentary Performance Development in the Human and Financial Resources Directorate of the Council, in collaboration with the ASU Community Engagement Office, delivered a Lecture entitled “Processing Big Data in Scientific Research: A Case Study of Public Opinion Polls”, on 21st and 22nd June 2022, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Shura Council. The Lecture was presented by Dr Rashed Ahmed, Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science.

As part of the Applied Science University’s initiatives for community engagement and service, the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Service Office at Applied Science University organized a lecture titled “Media content selection skills”, presented by Professor Murad Abdalah AlJanabi, Academic Staff in Department of Public Law, on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at 4:00 PM, in Abdullah Nass Hall, to the Holy Quran activities and Programmes Coordinators in the Holy Quran teaching centers.

As part of the Applied Science University’s initiatives for community engagement and service, the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Service Office at Applied Science University organized a lecture titled “Innovation Management”, presented by Ms. Manal Al-Matrouk, on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at 12:00 noon, via the Microsoft Teams program, to the Holy Quran activities and Programmes  Coordinators in the Holy Quran teaching centers.

As part of the Applied Science University's initiatives for community engagement and service, the university hosted a lecture in its classrooms entitled "Preparing Budgets and Conducting Financial Analyzes", organized by the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Service Office at Applied Science University on Tuesday, the 13th of May 2023. The lecture to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators (men) was presented by Dr. Ammar Al-Sammarraee, Associate Professor in the Accounting and Finance Department and Director of the Master's Program in Accounting and Finance.

As part of the Applied Science University's initiatives for community engagement and service, the university hosted a lecture in its classrooms entitled "Preparing Budgets and Conducting Financial Analyzes", organized by the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Service Office at Applied Science University on Tuesday, the 13th of May 2023. The lecture to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators (women) was presented by Dr. Nadya Al Shareeda, Assistant Professor in the Accounting and Finance Department.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Directorate in the House of Representatives, and the ASU Community Engagement Office, organised a Training Course entitled “Artificial intelligence: modern transformations and applications in society”, on 8th June, 2023, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Lecture was presented by Dr. Ahmad Shatat, Head of Management Information Systems Department via Zoom platform.

Within the framework of cooperation between the University and the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives, the Parliamentary Studies and Training Directorate in the House of Representatives, and the ASU Community Engagement Office, organised a Training Course entitled “Recent trends in the use of artificial intelligence applications”, on 12th June, 2023, for the employees of the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives. The Lecture was presented by Dr. Abdallah Shatat, Head of Management Information Systems Department via Zoom platform.

As part of the Applied Science University's initiatives for community engagement and service, the university hosted in its laboratories a training lecture entitled "How to use the Excel program to prepare activities and businesses", organized by the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Service Office at Applied Science University. The training lecture was presented by Dr. Ahmed Saleh Shatat, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administrative Sciences, on Tuesday, the 13th of June 2023, to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators (men) in the Holy Quran teaching centers.

As part of the Applied Science University's initiatives for community engagement and service, the university hosted in its laboratories a training lecture entitled "How to use the Excel program to prepare activities and businesses", organized by the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Engagement Office at Applied Science University. The training lecture was presented by Dr. Ahmed Saleh Shatat, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administrative Sciences, on Tuesday, the 19th of June 2023, to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators (women) in the Holy Quran teaching centers.