Women’s Access Schemes 

The University recognizes the importance of promoting gender equality and ensuring equal access for all students, irrespective of their gender. To achieve this, the university has implemented various Women's Access Schemes, which aim to address barriers that may prevent women from accessing higher education. These schemes include scholarships and grants for female students, creating a supportive learning environment, and providing access to academic resources, such as tutoring and mentoring programs. Moreover, the university has established a Women's Club to provide a supportive community for female students and facilitate their participation in extracurricular activities. The club offers various programs and activities that promote women's empowerment, leadership, and personal development.

Applied Science University's Women's Access Schemes align with SDG 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women. By providing equal access to education and creating a supportive learning environment, the university is contributing to the development of a skilled workforce and a thriving society. Furthermore, the university's commitment to promoting gender equality is reflected in its policies and initiatives, such as the Equality and Diversity Policy, which ensures that all staff, students, and stakeholders are treated with fairness and respect, regardless of their gender.

Women Empowerment In ASU

The University is committed to promoting women's empowerment and providing an inclusive environment that supports female students. One of the ways in which the university achieves this is by having a designated women's club for female students, which is responsible for organizing events and activities that help female students gain soft skills and build their confidence. The women's club at ASU is a student-led organization that focuses on empowering and supporting female students. The club organizes various events, workshops, and seminars that cover a wide range of topics, including leadership, teamwork, communication, and personal development. The events are designed to provide female students with opportunities to learn new skills, gain confidence, and build networks with their peers and mentors.

The women's club is also responsible for organizing events that celebrate women's achievements and promote gender equality. For example, the club organizes events to celebrate International Women's Day and the national Bahraini Women Day, which is an important day to recognize women's contributions to society and to raise awareness about gender equality. The events include talks, panel discussions, and workshops that focus on issues such as women's rights, gender stereotypes, and women's leadership. The women's club at ASU is an essential platform for female students to connect with each other and with female role models in the community. The events organized by the club provide female students with opportunities to learn from successful women and to build networks that can help them in their future careers. The women's club at ASU is an example of the university's commitment to promoting gender equality and empowering female students. By providing a platform for female students to develop their skills and build their confidence, the university is helping to break down barriers and create a more inclusive environment for all students. In conclusion, the women's club at the University is an essential platform for female students to connect with each other, learn new skills, and build their confidence. The club's focus on promoting gender equality and celebrating women's achievements is a testament to the university's commitment to empowering its female students. The women's club is an example of how universities can play a vital role in promoting women's empowerment and creating a more inclusive environment for all students.

Mental Health in ASU

The University Women's Access Schemes aim to provide equal access to education for all students, including women, while promoting their well-being and mental health. The university recognizes that students may experience stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues during their academic journey, and to address this, the university has established a Counselling Office that provides support for students going through difficult times. The Counselling Office at ASU offers one-to-one sessions with qualified professionals who provide emotional support and guidance to students struggling with mental health issues. The sessions are confidential and free of charge, ensuring that students have access to the support they need without any financial burden. Moreover, the university is committed to providing support for disabled students with special needs, such as wheelchair ramps, elevators, and specially designed bathrooms. By providing mental health support and resources, as well as support for students with disabilities, the university ensures that all students, including women, have equal opportunities to succeed in their academic and personal lives. ASU's commitment to student mental health and well-being is a testament to the university's dedication to providing a holistic education that promotes the overall well-being of its students. Overall, Applied Science University's Women's Access Schemes align with SDG 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women. By providing equal access to education and promoting the mental health and well-being of all students, the university is contributing to the development of a skilled workforce and a thriving society. https://www.asu.edu.bh/student-counselling-office/about-the-office-counselling/

Women empowerment at ASU examples:



















University Policies for Women Access Schemes

University policies for women access schemes, 60 days of maternity leave, 2 hours of breastfeeding time after maternity leave, a female prayer room, and two weeks of unpaid leave after the 60 days of maternity leave are all important measures that support women's rights and needs in the workplace.

Women access schemes are designed to help women who may face barriers to education and employment due to social or economic factors. These schemes may include financial support, mentorship programs, and other resources to help women succeed in their academic and professional pursuits. The provision of 60 days of maternity leave is an important policy for supporting women who become mothers. This leave allows women to take time off from work to care for their newborn child and recover from childbirth without fear of losing their job or income. Additionally, the policy of allowing for two hours of breastfeeding time after maternity leave supports women who choose to breastfeed their child by providing them with the necessary time and space to do so.

The availability of a female prayer room is also an important policy for supporting women's religious needs. This space allows Muslim women to pray in a private and comfortable setting, which is particularly important during times of religious observance.  Finally, the option of two weeks of unpaid leave after the 60 days of maternity leave is an important policy for women who may need additional time to care for their child or adjust to their new role as a mother. This policy recognizes that women may have different needs during this time and allows them to take the time they need without risking the loss of their job or income.

In conclusion, university policies that support women's rights and needs are crucial for creating a workplace that is inclusive and equitable for all employees. These policies can help women to succeed in their academic and professional pursuits, while also recognizing the importance of their personal and family obligations.

Figure 9 an extract from the university Leave, Attendance and Overtime Policy

Figure 8 an extract from the university Leave, Attendance and Overtime Policy