Women’s Application in Underrepresented Subjects 

The University is committed to promoting gender equality and encouraging women to pursue education and careers in fields where they are underrepresented. The university has implemented various initiatives and collaborations to encourage women's applications in subjects where they are underrepresented.

ASU collaborates with various universities, community groups, NGOs, and government agencies to promote education and careers in underrepresented subjects for women. The university regularly participates in regional and national campaigns to encourage women's participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. ASU's outreach programs provide opportunities for women to explore different career paths and connect with professionals in their field of interest.

Moreover, ASU offers scholarships and grants to female students pursuing degrees in underrepresented subjects, such as engineering, computer science, and information technology. These scholarships and grants provide financial support and other resources to help women overcome barriers to pursuing education and careers in these fields.

ASU's commitment to encouraging women's applications in underrepresented subjects aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. By promoting education and careers in underrepresented subjects, the university is providing opportunities for women to succeed in fields where they have been historically underrepresented. Moreover, these initiatives contribute to the development of a skilled workforce and a thriving society.

The table below depicts the percentage and number of female students compared to male students enrolled in Underrepresented Subjects at Applied Science University over the past five years.

ASU Holds the Pink October Event

Under the patronage of Prof Ghassan Aouad, President of the University, and in conjunction with the Breast Cancer Campaign, the University held the Pink October event on 7th November 2021. The event organised by the Women’s Club in cooperation with the Student Council in its 14th session, the Health Unit and the ASU Community Engagement Office.

Organising "Preparing Budgets and Conducting Financial Analyzes" Lecture

As part of the Applied Science University's initiatives for community engagement and service, the university hosted a lecture in its classrooms entitled "Preparing Budgets and Conducting Financial Analyzes", organized by the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Service Office at Applied Science University on Tuesday, the 13th of May 2023. The lecture to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators (women) was presented by Dr. Nadya Al Shareeda, Assistant Professor in the Accounting and Finance Department.

Organising "How to use the Excel program to prepare activities and businesses" Lecture.

As part of the Applied Science University's initiatives for community engagement and service, the university hosted in its laboratories a training lecture entitled "How to use the Excel program to prepare activities and businesses", organized by the Directorate of Holy Quran Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments and the Community Engagement Office at Applied Science University.  The training lecture was presented by Dr. Ahmed Saleh Shatat, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administrative Sciences, on Tuesday, the 19th of June 2023, to the Holy Quran Programme Coordinators (women) in the Holy Quran teaching centers.

Being Addressed by the Director of Scientific Research at the Secretariat General of Higher Education Council Dr Ferzana AlMaraghi, Director of Scientific Research at the Secretariat General of the Higher Education Council

The event was hosted by ASU on November 28th where she delivered an exciting presentation titled “Bahraini Women in Higher Education”. The presentation, which was attended by many ASU Students and Staff, highlighted the History of Women’s Role in Education in the Kingdom and a study conducted by Dr Ferzana on the current state of women’s contribution in Higher Education. The presentation included a timeline of Higher Education in the Kingdom which showed that Bahraini women were pioneers in seeking Higher Education in the region where the first batch of female scholars seeking University level education abroad dates back to late 30’s. Dr Ferzana showed interesting and important statistics on the number of female students studying in various disciplines at Bahraini Higher Education Institutions which surpass the international norms. She mentioned that Bahrain has been ranked first in the world in the percentage of women studying Sciences and ranked among the highest ten countries in the world in the number of female students and graduates in most fields. Dr Ferzana also mentioned that Bahraini women have been assuming Higher Positions at Higher Education Institutions where there is a significant number of Female Heads of Departments, Deans and Vice Presidents which indicates the competence of Bahraini Women in the Higher Education Sector as well as in other sectors.She also emphasised that all this has resulted from the dedication and hard work of Bahraini women and the continuous efforts of his Majesty King Hamad bin Isa and the government on empowering women in all sectors. The presentation was followed by an interactive session where the audience thanked Dr Ferzana for her interesting talk and the data she presented. The presentation was attended by Prof Waheeb Al Khaja, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof Ghassan Aouad, President of the University and some Officials of the University.

ASU Hosted the Ceremony of Honouring the Distinguished Students of Village of Al Eker

Within the activities of Applied Science University related to community Engagement, ASU hosted a Ceremony of honouring the distinguished Students of Al Eker village for the Academic Year 2018/2019. The Ceremony held under the patronage of Applied Science University and rganized by Al Eker Charitable Society. Applied Science University presented in the Ceremony of honouring the distinguished male Students by Prof Ghassan Fouad Aouad President of ASU, Dr Mohammad Alaa Al-Hamami Manager of Community Engagement Office, and Mr Ebrahim Abbas Habib, Security Supervisor in ASU while Mrs Ruqaya Mohsin Mahmoud, Marketing and Public Relations Director, and Ayat Nass, Executive Secretary in President’s Office presented ASU in the Ceremony of honouring the distinguished female Students. Habib Jaffar AlMaghni, one of the best students in the Academic Year 2018/2019, honoured by Prof Ghassan during the event. The Ceremony was held for two days on Friday and Saturday 5-6 July 2019 where 508 students honoured.

Bumun 2018 (Bahrain Universities Model United Nations)

ASU students participated once again in the BUMUN (Bahrain Universities Model United Nations) for its 14th year in Bahrain. Held on 21 and 22 October 2018, the event was under the Patronage of H.H.

Shaikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, in the Ramee Grand Hotel, Bahrain. BUMUN is an annual program in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Ministry of Youth and Sport Affairs organizes it for local and international universities. This year’s conference highlighted topics including the impact of climate change on sustainable population growth for Vision 2030, misuse of ICTs that generate cybercrime, economic empowerment of women, global drug control and assessment of the impact on the international community to protect the safety of world population, the consequences of climate change for energy with the rising demand for it, biological terrorism which is based on the use of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive materials, etc. ASU’s delegation of 8 students attended training sessions as part of the preparation for the BUMUN program. Two of our students won a diplomatic award during the conference: Aliona Alessam and Abdullah Qudair. Our students have done extremely well and learned a lot. This type of event always make us proud of our students who worked very hard and shined while representing ASU.



The Health Unit Organized the Event of The World Diabetes Day Under the Title "Your Health is our Goal."

All countries in the world celebrate World Diabetes Day every year on 14 November. World Diabetes Day brings together all communities and people with diabetes worldwide to one voice calling for awareness of diabetes. Diabetes is considered one of the chronic diseases of the era which is deadly and affects all members of the society whether children, young or old, women and men, poor or rich. Diabetes is the biggest threat to global public health. Its victims are adults, people of working age and it is life-threatening. This health problem is still increasing. On the occasion of this World Diabetes Day, the Health Unit of Applied Science University - Department of Administrative Affairs organized an activity under the title "Your Health is Our Goal" in the lobby of the University. The nurse, Mrs. Fareeda Al Balooshi, examined the free sugar level for all attendees from the academic and administrative bodies, University students and some outside visitors. An educational video was presented on the health and prevention guidelines for diabetes, with healthy meals and symbolic gifts distributed to those who participated in the event. All high level sugar cases were referred to the Health Unit at the University for follow up. The aim of the event is to raise awareness about chronic diseases, especially diabetes and its prevention, including the need to take medicines, exercise and adhere to healthy diet. The World Diabetes Day which was held on 14 November received a great response from all members of the University for their keenness to increase the health culture at ASU. (https://www.asu.edu.bh/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/3rd-President27s-News-Digest-V4-18112018.pdf)


Bahraini Women’s Day

The Women Club at the Deanship of Student Affairs organized last week on 1 December 2018, an event for the Bahraini Women’s Day celebrating women success and achievements. The club created a short video congratulating the Bahraini women on this day and emphasizing with a hashtag #we support her. In addition, flower bangles and discount coupons were distributed on ASU female students appreciating them for their role within the community. (https://www.asu.edu.bh/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/6th-President27s-News-Digest-V4-09122018.pdf)


Council of Representatives Visit

On Tuesday 26 March 2019, the Women Club in the Deanship of Student Affairs organized a visit to the Council of Representatives to learn more about the importance of the council and its role in the King’s reform process. Also, the goal of the visit was to strengthen the patriotism of the club members and acknowledge to them of the importance of voting. As part of the visit program, a lecture about the council was given to the club members as they were able to have a closer look about various decisions and legislations in addition to attending the council session. (https://www.asu.edu.bh/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/22nd-Presidents-News-Digest-V4-31032019.pdf)


“Challenges and Achievements” Forum

On 1 April 2019, the Women’s Club under patronage the president supervised by the Student Services Office in the Deanship of Student Affairs organized a forum entitled “Challenges and Achievements”. The Club hosted Bahraini Women who faced challenges and conditions during their journey, and eventually were able to turn them into success stories. The participants were Shaikha AlShaiba an athlete, Fatima AlAtawi a Fashion Designer, Jowariya AlShomali a Bahraini Activist and Reem Alotaibi a Civil Engineer. Ruqaya Mohsin, ASU’s Director of Marketing and Public Relations, did a great job in managing the forum and being the MC. It was very inspiring and interesting to hear these Bahraini women stories, and how each of them were able to overcome all the setbacks and give hope to the listeners that nothing is impossible. A big thanks goes to the women club especially Fajer Althawadi, the Women’s Club President, and the Student Services Office for organizing such a great event. (https://www.asu.edu.bh/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/25th-Presidents-News-Digest-V4-21042019.pdf)