Employment Policy on Discrimination 

The University Bylaws Article Number 9 Point "a" highlights the importance of transparency, impartiality, and merit-based decision-making in all matters related to staff selection, appointment, promotion, training, remuneration, evaluation, transfer, assignment, or secondment. This is in line with SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, which emphasizes the need for fair and non-discriminatory employment practices.

The Equality and Diversity Policy of the Applied Science University in Bahrain further reinforces this commitment to non-discrimination and equality of opportunity for all stakeholders, including staff, students, visitors, contractors, and service providers. The policy defines protected characteristics, which are certain rights that all individuals possess and which the University seeks to safeguard against discrimination. These include age, disability, marital status, family circumstances, race, religion or belief, and gender. The policy also outlines different types of discrimination, such as direct, associative, perceptive, and indirect discrimination, and emphasizes the responsibilities of all staff, students, and stakeholders to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate discrimination in all aspects of University life.

The policy also identifies the specific responsibilities of different stakeholders, including the University itself, the President, HRD, the Director of Student Affairs, and Deans of Colleges/Heads of Department. Complaints related to discrimination or harassment can be raised in accordance with the appropriate grievance procedures and policies. The Employment Policy on Discrimination of SDG 8 emphasizes the importance of promoting decent work and economic growth through fair and non-discriminatory employment practices.