Employment Practice Appeal Process 

The University has an Appeal Process in the Staff Handbook and it considers it as an important component of the University's commitment to promoting fair and equitable treatment of its employees, in line with SDG 8. This process provides a formal mechanism for employees to appeal decisions related to their employee rights and pay, ensuring that they have a voice in resolving any disputes that may arise. The Universityrecognizes that disputes can arise in any workplace, and that it is important to have a clear and transparent process for resolving them. The Staff Grievance Procedure is available to any employee, providing a fair and impartial process for addressing grievances related to specific University rules, regulations or policies, disciplinary actions, and outcomes of performance evaluations. The process emphasizes the importance of effective communication between employees and their line managers, and encourages employees to discuss their employment concerns, problems, or questions with their line managers, who are expected to foster and establish effective two-way communication with their employees. In the event that an employee is dissatisfied with the response of their line manager, they may proceed with raising a grievance through a series of escalating steps, including an appeal to the Dean/Director, the Vice President, and finally an Appeal Review Board. The University's Appeal Process provides a clear and transparent mechanism for resolving disputes, ensuring that all employees have access to a fair and impartial process for addressing any issues related to their employment. By promoting fair and equitable treatment of its employees, the University is contributing to the achievement of SDG 8, which calls for the promotion of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
